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Trial Version vs. Paid Version

Features Trial Paid
Features Trial Paid
Main Functions
Templates Free Free & Premium
Prototype table-check-icon table-check-icon
Mind Map Free for a limited time table-check-icon
Flowchart Free for a limited time table-check-icon
Import Axure File Free for a limited time table-check-icon
Export & Download
Number of Files 3 Unlimited
Pages per Prototype 20 Pages 500 Pages
Trash Bin Storage 3 Days 30 Days
Customized Share LinkNEW
1 3
File Export
Prototype PNG/PDF(with watermarks) PNG/HTML/PDF
Mind Map PNG/PDF(with watermarks) PNG/PDF
Flowchart PNG/PDF(with watermarks) PNG/PDF
Data Security
AWS Data Protection and Encryption table-check-icon table-check-icon
Secure Data Transfer with SSL table-check-icon table-check-icon
Lifecycle Security Assurance table-check-icon table-check-icon
Service &Support
Video Guide table-check-icon table-check-icon
Support Center table-check-icon table-check-icon
Live Support table-check-icon table-check-icon
We value your privacy and protect your financial/personal info with advanced encryption and fraud protection.
Support Service
Knowledgeable representatives can assist you through instant live chat and email responses within 24 hours.
Money-back Guarantee
All our products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Free software updates within the valid period of the software.

See What Our Users Ask Frequently

  • Yes, of course, you can. The 1-month/quarter/year subscription allows you to use this product within the validity period. You will receive a notification email 7 days before the end of the subscription. You can also cancel the automatic renewal here.

  • Yes. Once you pay for the full version, you can sign in to Wondershare Mockitt with the paid account on Web, Mac, PC (Windows), and Ubuntu. Then you can enjoy all premium functions and access your project anytime, anywhere.

  • There are personal and enterprise spaces in the workspace where you can switch. The individual plan is the price for the Personal Space, and the team plan is the price for the Enterprise Space. The main difference is that Enterprise Space has extra features, including co-editing, comment, version history, member management, and APK exporting. You need to buy at least 2 seats to use the collaboration features.

  • Of course. You can transfer the projects in your Personal Space into your Enterprise Space. However, please note that you can't move the projects in Enterprise Space into Personal Space.