Top 10 Web Designs Created Using Behance
We all must have heard that Behance has the best web designers throughout the world. Along with that, it is also said that it's extremely easy for customers to find web designers with the help of this easy to use platform. You would be able to easily create a Behance web design profile over this platform, as the registration process is straightforward and small.
You just need to fill your personal details, add all your previous projects along with their pictures and links. In the next step, you need to add relevant tags that explain the best about your profile and the kind of creative skills you have, hence in last you need to add your previous work experiences with the help of which people can know more about your work and experience.
In this post, we are going to figure out the top 10 web designs on Behance, so if you are someone who is struggling to find the best behance web designs, then this post has everything you need to know about.
Top 10 Web Designs Created Using Behance:
Here is the list of top 10 web designs on Behance, you can have a look at them and select the most appropriate option based on your requirement that can be used as an example purpose or can get in touch with the designer itself.
1. Amsterdam Ad Blog:

source:Behance-Amsterdam Ad Blog
The first option from the list of best behance web designs is Amsterdam Ad Blog which is created by Marius Rosendaal. In this web design, you would be able to notice a great use of minimal design style, in case if you also want to get to know about a perfect use of minimal design, then this web design is the best option for you.
It is specially designed for blog usage, so if you have a blog idea to complete and you are finding a web design for that, then this would be a perfect option. Along with that if you are creating a blog under news niche, then there is no option better than this.
You can make several customizations such as the below theme, font and many more while using this web design.
2. Media Monks:

source:Behance-Media Monks
The next best web designs option from the list is Media monks which is a web design specifically designed for all those who are trying to find a dark theme. This web design idea can be used for various purposes and is not limited for just blog based use only.
You can actually use it for a fully-functional website, along with that there are amazing integrations of high-quality images, and the overall usage of this design is fluent you would be able to use it for high-end website usage also.
The overall placement of various elements like footer, header and more can be customized; you can make changes according to your usage.
3. Adobe Portfolio Website:

source:Behance-Adobe Portfolio Website
The next option from the list is for those who want to get one such web design that is filled with various colors, and they can bring out a playful web design. By having a look at this design, you would be able to notice that you can make several customizations in it, which can be related to the overall colour of your website, the pictures of your website and many more.
One thing to keep in mind while getting started with this web design, and that is it is very easy to use design. In case if you want a complex one, then this is not the case at all.
4. Bringing Digital Platform to Life:

source:Behance-Bringing Digital Platform to Life
Here we have our fourth option from the list, and this is a specially designed web design for all those who want to create an e-commerce website for themselves. As you would be able to get the best possible product showcasing experience with the help of this design.
Along with that, there are several customization options available in this design with the help of which you would be able to make various changes and completely personalize the user experience of the design.
5. Bureau Oberheauser:

source:Behance-Bureau Oberheauser
The next design we have is Bureau Oberheauser which comes with a futuristic design along with dark theme integration. Moreover, you would be able to notice amazing graphics designs such as video integrations and more.
You can customize it to a greater extent and completely personalize it on your own. The overall process of the usage and customizing is exceptional, in case you want to create a blog or product based website then this particular web design is the best available option for you.
6. Behance Network 3.0:

source:Behance-Behance Network 3.0
Next, we have an easy to operate e-commerce and products based web design with the help of which you can easily showcase your products and services. Although most people will think about using it for products based websites, but if you have a business that offers services, then also it can be easily used.
7. 99% Web Magazine:

source:Behance-99% Web Magazine
The 7th option is specially designed for those who want to get a web design for magazine based websites. The overall formatting of this design is completely done in the way of a magazine and can be used for magazines and blog based websites.
8. Portfolio 2016:

source:Behance-Portfolio 2016
As the name of this web design suggests, it is a specially designed web design with the help of which you can create an amazing looking portfolio website. You would be able to create a high-quality portfolio and place all your previous work experiences, links, pictures and other such stuff for the best possible user experience.
9. Caviar:

Next, we have a colourful web design which is made explicitly for blogging websites, with the help of such web design you can create a good looking blog. Moreover, if you are trying to find a web design that is easy to use for all the visitors, then this is the option for you.
10. Rendl Brand Website Design:

source:Behance-Rendl Brand Website Design
Here we have the final option from the list of best behance web designs, and that is Rendl Brand Website design which can be used for various purposes such as a blog, news based website, magazine and services based website too.
It comes with a light theme, and if you are trying to find something under light theme and minimal design, then this option is the most appropriate one.
Softwares to help Behance:
The biggest issue faced while creating a Behance web design is having no proper plan how to deal with everything and if you are someone who faces the same issue then you need to get in touch with Wondershare Mockitt which is a prototyping tool.

With the help of this tool you would be able to create a high-quality prototype of your web design. Hence in this way you can make the overall process of creating the web design.