Top UI Influencers to Follow on Instagram

Albert Shepherd updated on 2024-06-06 13:49:31
instagram ui design

Social media platforms like Instagram have become an excellent medium for professionals and hobbyists from every field to showcase their work. Not only do they get to share their work, but they also get to inspire others with their work and innovativeness.

There are plenty of talented designers out there whom you can follow and trust to always share the best of designing. Within these platforms, we often find some new ideas and concepts about designing.

Designs made with such approaches and concepts can also become a portion of food for thought for others to transition into something better and more specific to the current user requirements. All in all, sharing and following Instagram UI accounts is beneficial for the account owner and the follower. With this in mind, listed below are the top Instagram UI design accounts you should follow.

Top 10 Instagram UI Influencers of 2023

1. @twohabitsdesign

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Run by Ilya Fedotov, this account shares UI/UX showcase posts every day. These showcase posts are from different designers and creatives who submit their work to Ilya's page for posting here. The good thing is that all the design submissions are free, and the followers get to view the works of different UI designers from across the globe. As a result, this Instagram UI design account has bagged more than 105K followers. There are designs for websites, applications, software, etc. which you can see and get inspiration from. For the submissions, the page acts as a channel to get hired or to get their work sold in the market.

2. @dailyweb>design

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There is a lot of inspiration out there to get, but if you are looking to get ideas about web interface design, this Instagram UI address is the right one. For a web designer, this account will turn out to be a learning experience as the designs posted here are vibrant, impressive, and downright incredible. Every day, the team shares a new UI design post so that you never miss out on absorbing new ideas. Plus, the account has 468K followers, which speaks for its popularity and ability to impress the designer community.

3. @jessicawalsh

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Jessica Walsh of Sagmeister and Walsh, which is a creative company in New York City, runs this account. Her 525K followers get amazing ideas about building advertisement campaigns, websites, and other digital interfaces. The posts on this account are not specifically about creating a website or an application. But here, you will find how different concepts and colors in designing merge to produce a beautiful image. And contributing towards the duties of every influence, this Instagram UI account also shares posts in favor of social causes raising voices against the vices.

4. @uitrends

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UI Trends has some of the best UI designers in the world sharing their work for followers. There are over 123K people following this account, and they get inspired by a new concept every day. The posts are not design samples, but it is a mixture of ideas, concepts, samples, etc. The purpose is to build an understanding of what qualifies as UI design and how to foster the right approach towards building modern and pertinent designs. The range of ideas and designs in this account is unlike anywhere that you will see. So, if you are a budding UI designer, following this UI Instagram account is a must.

5. @iamnotmypixels

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Run by Yael, who is a Design Manager at Facebook, the purpose of this Instagram UI account's owner is to spread the UX-design thinning everywhere. Hence the posts on this account are not strictly related to UI/UX, but you will see many posts about the motives and ideas behind designing. But if you are an artist, you will find inspiration from anywhere, right? Hence, following this account will get you hooked on several ideas about using design thinking in daily life. As of now, there are 22.5K followers of this Instagram UI design account.

6. @majortomagency

instagram ui design

Major Tom Agency is a design company in three different locations, New York, Toronto, and Vancouver. The account may only have 7886 followers, which is much less compared to the others on the list. But if we look at the material posted here, you will find it worthy of exploring this Instagram UI account. Here you will find photos and videos pertaining to digital strategy and technologies. Majorly, these ideas and concepts are created by the company for their clients.

7. @callbrunoagency

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The Call Bruno Agency operates from Normany and California and has over 13.3K followers on their Instagram UI-inspired account. Here you will find the work this agency has done for their clients and some fresh ideas about branding, designing, and creating interactive portals. The majority of the designs have a minimalist approach, but their designs have a great addition to and that is photography. Call Bruno Agency has some remarkable posts infused with impressive photos related to their design.

8. @uxbrainy

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UX Brainy is not just a UX designing Instagram UI account, but you will also find UI designing inspiration and ideas on the platform. UX Brainy is a commercial more than an inspiration account. So, you will find a lot of self-promotional posts on here. Plus, other design agencies can also post their designs and concepts posted here to increase viewership and the chances to attract potential clients. Having said that, when it comes to the designing part, the posts and designs are highly relevant for getting new ideas and seeing how the new trends in UI designing are being used in real life.

9. @interfacely

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Interfacely has 740K followers, and it is one of the best UI/UX design inspiration accounts on the web today. With these many followers, it is not easy to share new, fresh, and innovative ideas regularly. But Interfacely does it like a pro and has been inspiring the followers with design concepts and ideas. The posts on this Instagram UI account are not only from the account owner, but they also share good designs by other users and designers who can submit their work.

10. @uxswipe

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At last, we have another popular UI Instagram account that has 169K followers and works to share UX/UI tips every day with the users. These tips are about everything related to designing and creating a better outcome. You will get tips like 5 pastel color palettes for your next project or how to animate a dark mode switch, etc. So, you are in for an informative experience by following this account.

Introducing the Best Tool for UI Design - Mockitt

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UI designing has become a lot further than anyone could have imagined. Even a small change like placing the Add to Cart button near the user's thumb can make a lot of difference in terms of user experience and as an extension to it, in the number of successful orders placed. Along with this, designing stopped being a one-man show a long time ago.

Collaboration is the key. The more you collaborate better are your chances of making quick progress. This is because collective intelligence is the way to move forward in the work of designing. It is for this purpose and many more, we recommend using Mockitt Design.

Because with this tool on your side, you can collaborate with multiple people on the team and create a design with collective knowledge. In addition to this, Mockitt has every tool and feature a designer will want to create the user interface designs.

As the tool is available online and free of cost, it won't take much to start designing with Mockitt. Moreover, you will access an intuitive platform to build your design in your way. The software was built to help designers and developers reduce the issues with handoff and build an effective mechanism to build the perfect design according to the requirements.

Here are some design-friendly features of Mockitt Design;

  • Powerful and Fast Editing: Mockitt is a lightweight online tool, which means that it works faster than most of the competitors. Even though the editing tools and systems are highly efficient, they won't cause a hindrance in your designing exercise.
  • Plenty of Widgets and Components: Mockitt Design gives you access to a wide variety of widgets and components to work with. The widgets are supposed to make designers faster, and the components help make you fall in love with editing.
  • Adaptive Page Layout: After noticing some of the posts on Instagram UI accounts if you are wondering how they are creating designs with exact measures. Well, just like Mockitt design, they are using pre-made artboards specific to every device and platform. So, you can easily create the design according to the screen layout and dimensions.

Ergo, Mockitt Design is your one-stop solution to build your UI designs efficiently and enjoy the process. Because you will have the right tools and functions, it will be easy to develop the design quickly.


Instagram has become a major source for sharing work and life with your personal and professional network. Even better, it has become a source for creating better opportunities for earning and showcasing your work to the world. In terms of UI/UX designing, Instagram is the best source to do that.

Along with this, you can also leverage it as a learning platform by following the top Instagram UI accounts. Get access to the latest design trends, concepts, ideas, samples, and much more.

Be at the top of your industry by staying updated with the designs and by using Mockitt Design as an efficient tool to build designs.