Must-dos for your first days at a New job as a UX designer

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:46:59

first day at a new job

The first day at a new job is always stressful. A new office, new colleagues, new responsibilities, new everything - it takes time to get used to the changed conditions. Many beginners experience stress not so much from fear that they will not cope with responsibilities, but from anxiety, as their colleagues will perceive them. Reasonable employers understand this and give newcomers relief. At the same time, an opinion about a person is usually formed by the first impression, and then it is rather difficult to change it. If you want to master the first day on the job as a UX designer, then this article is for you.

Meet your team, your boss, and the stakeholders

If you are new to a company, you will, of course, get to know a lot of new people on the first day - new colleagues, superiors, and other stakeholders. But the reverse also applies: you want to get to know the others. The first day at work as a UX designer is by no means the first contact with your boss. So meet your boss and try to find out what he likes, what annoys him.

Depending on the company's tradition, you can be introduced to the team by a top manager, head of HR-service, or you can arrange a meeting yourself. At the first meeting, your task is to make a good impression. Briefly tell about yourself, your experience, and your plans. Of course, you shouldn't shy away from communication. Behave as usual, but don't be too categorical - it's always scary.

Try to understand how your colleagues work and follow all work points. Each work team has a rich set of roles and masks. Try to understand who is who, and then it will be easier for you to find a place for yourself.

Meet the technical guys

It is essential, as soon as you meet and build strong relationships with a technical person (people who can help you). As a fresh UX designer, it is important to meet and collaborate with a person who has sound technical knowledge of UX design. Building relationships with him will be useful for your job and even outside of work.

Make friends and collaborate with others

UX design is rarely a one-man show. Whether you're working in a big company or with a small client, teamwork is inevitable. It is important to understand how often your ability to work with others and delegate tasks comes into play during the project. Being a good team player means understanding your role in the larger scheme of things and being useful to others. As the old adage goes: two heads are always better than one. Learn to collaborate effectively with other colleagues.

The first day on the job as a UX designer is never easy, but those who approach new colleagues openly and politely, ask questions and have something asked, will quickly join the office community. It is important to show a healthy mix of restraint and curiosity. In addition, the focus is on the workplace and should be adjusted to your own person.

Talk less and listen more

In the workplace, the arrival of new employees is sometimes regarded as a "statement": Maybe the boss wants to hire you because he wants to change the existing office culture and bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the work. Unfortunately, the office is a very "narrow" place, resistant to change, and extremely exclusive. So, even if you have the best ideas in the world, even if you are unique, even if you will be appreciated by your leaders, it is enough to let yourself know on the first day.

"A good conversationalist is one who knows how to listen." The best tactic in your new job is to ask more questions, listen carefully to people, and memorize details. The best way to win the trust of others is to listen. Research shows that respecting the opinions of others and asking for their opinions before presenting new ideas is the right approach. Even when you are questioned, accept it with humility.

Be yourself

Think of ways to be relaxed and project yourself as who you are. It's stressful to try to be someone else, so why bother? You want some consistency in who you are on day one and day 31. If you have the jitters, pretend you're meeting people at a business mixer or in the comfort of your own home, and that these are all friends getting to know each other. That's not far from the truth; you'll be working closely with them and enjoy building the relationship, so why not start now?

Be Confident

Show your face in public as much as possible and establish a professional image. Don't be afraid to express opinions. In this way, you will discover who is the most important person in the company, and on the other hand, your company colleagues will gradually adapt to seeing you in public.

Don't push your priorities

On the first days at a new job, you will be inundated with new information and tasks. It is imperative to prioritize what is more critical and needs to be done first. Ask your manager what needs to be prioritized and what the deadlines are. They will benefit from this in the long run, as you will be more efficient and you will easily avoid additional pressure.

Fully understand your job content and job responsibilities

Knowing your job content and job responsibilities is very important. Do you know exactly your job content? If you don't, then this is the first day of your work. Sit down with your manager or technical guy, go through your job description, and list all the unclear content. You will find that this will make your job easier, and your boss will be impressed.

Meet your HR

Even if your workday ends at 5, linger a little longer. Finish up any paperwork from HR. Take notes about what you learned, and write down questions you have for the next day. Not being the first one out the door shows your co-workers that you're there to learn, not just to collect a paycheck.

Even if you should leave work at five o'clock, it is better to stay longer. Carefully fill out the form given to you by the HR Department. Write down everything you learned today, and write down the questions you will ask the next day. This is tantamount to telling your colleagues that you are here not only for salary but for learning.

Plan your next weeks ahead on a daily basis.

Proper planning of the working day and working week greatly increases the efficiency of any employee. According to experts "By spending the first 10% of time planning and organizing the upcoming work, you will save 90% of the time when it is done". So at the end of your first day, plan your next week and write down all ideas. These can be absolutely any personal and work ideas. After you write them down, go through the list and determine which of the goals are most important. Completing top-priority tasks will ensure your personal and career growth. Remember: you can achieve everything, but everything has its time.

"You have a choice in life. You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you've set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others."

Michael Hyatt (CEO and founder of Michael Hyatt & Company)

Always give positive feedback

Towards the end of the working day, probably your boss will likely ask you how your first day of work went. Avoid criticism and focus on the positive aspects. Show where you were able to use your experience to familiarize yourself and where you still see a need for training. Nobody expects an extensive analysis from you here.

What not to do in a new team or in a first week

1. Don't make a revolution. At least in the first weeks of work. Take a closer look, orient yourself, you will still have the opportunity to prove yourself.

2. No need to close, hide in a corner and hide your eyes in designing. Sooner or later, you will still have to communicate, but then it will be more difficult to do. There is no need to layout your soul in front of new acquaintances, just follow the rules of politeness and good taste.

3. Don't be arrogant. This is often a way to hide your excitement, but this attitude will alienate your coworkers.

4. Do not try to please everyone at once, give new colleagues time to look at you.


The first days at a new job are the most important - colleagues, managers, and subordinates form a first impression of you, which will be difficult to change later. Successful adaptation to a new job is not an easy task and requires effort and work on oneself. But it's worth it because we spend a huge part of our life at work! Fortunately, everything is in your hands, improve and face the future with confidence. I think the company must constantly monitor the level and dynamics of employee satisfaction in order to be able to influence motivation through the use of special technologies.