6 Tips For Designers To Find Perfect Behance Job

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:46:04

Behance career is the best portal for designers to showcase their work and strengthen their place as professional designers. Here, there are many ways for a designer to uniquely stand out and express their true potential to the right clients. The best way for you to get your client's attention is by showing your uniqueness. You can show how distinct your work is by expressing it from different perspectives. These simple and unconventional options available at Behance jobs will allow you to carve out a fascinating story for your clients to see.

6 tips for designers to find Job on Behance

Tip 1: Present the Right Stuff!

No one will spend two hours browsing through one portfolio. You have a fifteen-minute window to impress your client so make sure you come out with your most evocative pieces. If you have ideas about new styles that you experiment with well, make use of your own, unique designs rather than browsing through the old designs you created for your clients.

One project per style or genre is more than enough. Always keep your portfolio lean and only include five to ten items in your portfolio. If you find it hard to choose between two designs, try posting each for a few months and see which one gets a better response from your visitors.

Tip 2: WIPs are good:

WIP stands for work in progress and is a term used to elaborate on projects that are not fully developed yet. But if you have an interesting and unique work in progress, you can make a separate WIP feedback section on Behance and show your graphic prowess in action.

behance jobs

Tip 3: Check and Recheck your presentation

Have you shared an active link? Is the graphic opening easily and looks well from an outsider's perspective? Do you have the right presentation of your work? The smallest of details matter the most, so visit your portfolio from outside every other week and make sure that your clients are getting a view of your best work.

Tip 4: Crop to impress

You have a gorgeous, 2000 pixel image but Behnace will only allow a 600-pixel image in its gallery. Do not shrink your image to fit the pixel requirement, instead the crop the image and only display the finest sections of the image. That way, you will be accentuating your expertise without compromising on the quality of your portfolio.

Tip 5: Video teasers

When you are developing a graphic design, put your desktop on record. You will have to create the entire piece in one sitting, but it will be a great video for you to showcase your expertise. The simple rule is to make sure that the design you create is the best one you can make. These videos do not have much effect on basic concepts.

Tip 6: Curated galleries

Curated galleries are art spaces managed by the best art schools in the country. Wacom, Pantone, ADWEEK, AIGA, RISD, Pratt, SVA, and SCAD are a few of the many major art schools with curated galleries on Behance. You should certainly post your best work on these galleries. But make sure that you do not use only your best work for your client. Develop an exclusive and themed collection that caters to your gallery of choice. These galleries will be the perfect place for the designers to present their work in shining light and get strong Behance career.

How do you make the best portfolio?

You make the best portfolio by developing an extensive collection of high-quality graphical mockups that your customers can enjoy. From web pages to brochures, email marketing graphics, and other digital marketing samples, you should have a sample of every kind of mock-up for your clients to review.

Software to help you find Behance jobs

Wondershare Mockitt is a Mock-Up developing app on Wondershare that will help you grow astonishingly engaging prototype mockups. These prototype mockups will allow you to showcase your graphic skills spectacularly. Here are the ways Mockitt will help you stand out.

behance careers

One-click import: Mockitt has a one-click import that allows the users to have all of their canvases imported to Mockitt. Mind you, here you are importing a canvas and not an image. It means you can use individual elements of each canvas in your work at the Mockitt portal.

Interactive Prototypes: The designers can have a hierarchical data stream to develop interactive prototypes. Rather than moving from one template to another, Mockitt allows designers to link the templates by dragging and dropping the right components. There is nothing more original than a collage of elements from various templates that come together.

Interactive Team Work: The application allows entire teams to work together in the portal. One team member can comment on another member's work and teams can assign tasks to the members. Any clients or other external parties can be invited to view the mock-up on the portal and share their comments and reviews.

Cloud Sharing Option: All the content on Mockitt is shared on the cloud so that it can be accessed at any moment from all over the world. All the recent changes to mock-ups are autosaved and can be accessed by the users who have access. Cloud sharing is an effective way to allow mass access to the designs and to gain feedback from your peers.

Try Mockitt to make an eye-catching list of prototype mock-ups and flaunt them on your Behance profile. The best Behance jobs are fated for those who distinguish themselves through their work. Always experiment when you are developing pieces for your portfolios.

Make sure that your work represents the most cutting edge ideas and conduct industry research into every niche before you pursue the right designs. Being ahead of the game is crucial in modern content creation, make sure that your work stands out clearly and represents the best ideas in the field. Best of luck!