7 Essential Web Design Books Must Read for Beginners

Albert Shepherd updated on 2024-06-06 13:47:31

Well, designing the website isn't easy for everyone, especially for beginners. There are some rules and regulations new designers should follow them. If you followed them, your life in design would be a lot easier than the previous one. There are several web design books available in the market; the beginners must read them. Undoubtedly, web design books will give some boost to your designing and will increase your confidence. If you think where you would find good books for web design, don't worry, we already did some digging and the find best web design books for beginners.

Before that, you should choose a designing tool to get started. Don't worry about the tool, either. We've got a perfect web designing tool for beginners.

Easy Tool to Start Your Website Design

There are lots of website designing tools available on the internet. But we preferred Wondershare Mockitt as our primary tool for designing. There are several reasons to use it. It is easy and straightforward to use. All you have to do is sign in and go with your project. That's it.

web design books

Mockitt has the best interface for designers to design their website. Of Course, it's a prototyping tool. Not only beginners can benefit from it, but also the professionals can design professionally through collaborating with team members. Yes, you heard that right, you can work with other team members through it.

There are many other cool features of Mockitt available. But here, we are going to discuss some of its original and characteristic features.

So, let's get familiar with its features.

Wondershare Mockitt Features;

  • Assets: Mockitt is load with features; one of its primary functions is the Asset Library. There are hundreds of widgets and templates available in the Mockitt. Many quality assets are free of cost. You can edit or customize and save them for later use.
  • Design: Using Mockitt, you can design quality prototypes. You can build dynamics, animation, lots of gestures, and screen effects. All you need is to drag and drop. Just take your cursor to the widgets or any template and drag it to the canvas. How simple is that to create a design in Mockitt software.
  • Presentation: Another most realistic feature in Mockitt is that you can open multiple preview modes to compare two different designs and create a perfect presentation. With that, you can add an online comment to the particular design element or any part where you think leaving a comment is necessary.
  • Handoff: Mockitt Handoff plugin lets the designers speed up their design-to-development workflow. This plugin allows the designers to free their hands and meet the developer's need all in one click.
  • Cloud & Collaboration: The most exciting thing and we liked the most is their Cloud service. You don't have to worry about data loss in any situation like a hardware failure or any other causes. If this unfortunate happens, all of your work saved on Mockitt's servers. Just go and login from any other pc/laptop and access all your previous work from there. Use Mockitt service in any part of the world where you have internet access.

Through cloud service, you work in a team environment. You can co-edit, preview & review the designs and keep every member updated quickly through collaboration.

That's the only easy tool, and its incredible features available in the market.

Now let's get back to our topic of best web design books.

Top 7 Beneficial Web Design Books for Beginners

There are lots of ways to learn web designing. You can get trained through YouTube by watching web designing videos. There are thousands of web designing videos available on YouTube. Another powerful platform is Google. You can search for different queries related to web designing, and you will find hundreds of thousands of contents available on Google.

But we do prefer to read and practice web design books. Why we prefer to learn web design books and practice them? There are some reasons for it. The big idea is that once you've got the text, you wouldn't have to search for anything anymore. Whenever you need to practice, just open the book and go through it.

We've collected some best web design books for beginners and listed them below:

1.Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS

Here we have Responsive Web Design with HTML5, and CSS eBook stands first in our list. Ben Frain writes this book and is available on Amazon. This is the extended version of the most popular and best-selling web design books on the latest HTML5 and CSS tools.

best web design books

This edition of the book covers the best web designs for designers. The main object of this book is to provide better user accessibility, variable fonts, and fonts loading.

You'll learn everything from this book that a professional web designer does. By the end of this book, you'll design different and beautiful responsive designs for your website and your company.

2.Learning Bulma: Understanding How to Develop Responsive, Mobile-first Websites Using Impressive, Modern Framework

Learning Bulma stands second in our list. Bulma is a robust, modern framework that allows you to construct the web pages in a secure way possible. It uses highly flexible grid styles and simple syntax styles that make the web pages smooth during construction.

website design books

You can learn from Bulma.

  • Use the grid system, layout, and modifiers
  • Advantage Bulma's builtin CSS utilities
  • Create a first mobile web app easily.

From a personal point of view, this book is perfect for beginners to start designing their responsive websites.

3.HTML5, CSS 3 & Bootstrap 4 All-in-One: A Complete Introduction to the Front-end Web Development

Here we have another book by Mike Ludo stands at the third position in the list. This book is a collection of three different books category. But this is just an introduction book for front-end development. Our perspective is that this is the best web design book for beginners. They will learn the basics of front-end development. Moreover, they will learn three different book topics intros all in one. By using Bootstrap 4 libraries, your work will look professionals and smooth.

responsive web design book

4.Inclusive Design for a Digital World: Designing with Accessibility in Mind (Design Thinking)

web design ebook

Regine M. Gilbert has written this book to promote user experience to the world. Inclusive design statements frequently used in this book. What exactly meant by Inclusive design. It's saying it is straightforward. It means your website has created to be accessible to as many different users as possible.

What you'll learn from this book?

  • High-level reasons for accessible designs
  • How to use different tools for users to research and developers
  • Different types of plans for different platforms
  • Testing your website and its usability practices
  • Understanding past innovations and future opportunities

5.The HTML and CSS Workshop: A New, Interactive Approach To Learning HTML and CSS

Want to get practical in HTML and CSS? Get this eBook from Amazon. Lewis Coulson's first edition stands fifth in our list.

best web design books for beginners

You can get benefit from a step-by-step approach to learn HTML and CSS programming. This book focuses on building practical skills so you can create your designs.

Throughout this course, you'll learn an engaging approach to begin HTML and CSS language. We also liked this book because they will teach you to work with modern platforms like Mockitt, WordPress, and Shopify. This book will teach you to edit existing themes and design them on your own.

6.How To Start a Web Design Business From Home

The title cover of the book suggests itself that this book is only for beginners. Omer Hina's book stands sixth in our list of web design books for beginners.

web page design books

The main focus of this book is to teach non-technical start and scale a website from their homes. According to this book, you can start a web design within 30 days as little capital as possible.

7.Making Your Website Work: 100 Copy & Designs Tweaks for Smart Business Owners<

Here we have the last book of the list; Making Your Website Work.Gill Andrews's book helps you understand it makes a great website through tips and tricks.

good books for web design

This book focuses on the real website problem that every freelancer, digital marketing agencies, e-commerce stores, and SaaS companies face. And show you how to fix them through practice.

These are some web design books that every beginner designer should read.

Note Everyone book listed above arranged with their rating and reviews from buyers on Amazon.