Planning Website Redesign? These Efficient Tips Can Help You

Albert Shepherd updated on 2024-06-06 13:48:06

The success of any website completely depends on how it has been designed. The designers must take utmost care while developing and creating it. If you website is nicely designed, including utility and usability, it determines the success of the website. Therefore, it becomes inevitable that you design your website cautiously. If you have still not really looked into all these things, it is never too late for website redesign. Here are 8 efficient tips that can help you in revamping your website.

8 Tips that can Help you in Revamping your Website

1.Lower Page Loading time

One of the most annoying things for any visitor of a website is waiting for the page to load. It is extremely important for a page to load in minimum time. It is also a well-researched statistic that people do not like to wait for anything. In the digital world, impatience is even more emphasized. Therefore while designing a website we must take into consideration that the user does not have time to wait a web page to load. Slow pages absolutely ruin the mood of the user and makes them lose interest in whatever they were looking for on that particular website.

In fact, slower page loads directly affects the revenue of any company. To be more precise slower pages can lead to significant loss of revenue which in some cases is 1% loss for every 100ms delay. Since the visitors don’t tend to stay on a page if they are made to wait for a while they leave, almost 33% visitors leave when a page’s speed is 7 seconds long. Page speed and page load time are both the same. So these facts prove that lowering the time for loading a page is one if the most important web redesign tips you should keep in mind.

2.Include a Web Animation

One of the most famous and latest website redesign tip is including web animation in your website. Web animation and goes hand in hand with reducing the loading time for a page. This is because of the fact that both these elements are directly affected by impatient users. Now you might think that how are these two tips connected?

Nowadays everything is moving at a rapid pace, the flow of information is fast, the gadgets we use have amazing fast processing speeds, the computers we use are way more faster than what they used to be few years ago. That being said, a user does not wait for a page to load and doesn’t have the patience to read a long content on a website. If the content takes a long time to read, there’s a high possibility that the user will get distracted and divert his attention to something else. Website that do not have interesting content or fast enough page loading speeds are likely to be left with just a hand full of users.

So where can you add a web animation on your website? According to Creative Blog, you can include web animations in practically every part of your website. The most significant ones are included in logos or even used as background videos on landing pages. In addition to this one should also remember to add a hover over a button as that is always a good practice as well. This is the most important tip if you wish to redesign web design.

3.Design a website prototype

Wondershare Mockitt is one of the most professional and handy product design and collaboration platform that brings your designs to life. With Mockitt, you can design as fast as possible, leaving more time for you to think and contemplate about.

Mockitt lets you design, interact, inspect and discuss regarding your website design. It also offers you with multiple templates for designing effectively. Through its Cloud, you can keep every project in sync anytime, anywhere. Moreover, you can also bring everyone in your enterprise together and share it with others. There are multiple options available for designing including various built-in widgets and icons that can help you in creating beautiful interfaces in a few minutes.

Rich UI assets and templates of diverse industries speed up your design process at Mockitt. Now you can build the asset library of your own or your team, and reuse them anytime. Simply start your work in a browser, without limitation of time and space. No more uploading and downloading design files, Mockitt keeps every project online and in sync. Now you can collaborate across different devices with real time co-editing.

Your web page redesign can go to the next level with Mockitt.

website redesign

4.Make the site mobile friendly

Making your website mobile friendly is one of the best website redesign tips as it is the need of the hour. Google is more interested in websites which are mobile friendly than the ones which are not. So this should be a good enough reason why you should make your website mobile friendly.

In March 2018 Google officially announced mobile first indexing. What this means is that the mobile version of your website is a starting point which Google includes in its index (which is how they determine rankings). However if you do not have a mobile friendly version of your website, the desktop one is the one that counts. Which means that a website which has a mobile friendly experience for its users will be ranked better than the one that does not have it.

Making a website mobile responsive makes your website credible and creates a very positive reputation on the web. As your website is accessible easily from not just your desktop on laptop but any hand held device or tablet etc. Additionally your business will be taken as modern and significant in the community.

5.Prioritize SEO

The role of SEO in creating content is very vital and it should never be underestimated. You may assume that content which is of high quality would find a way to reach its users. This is actually true, quality content does infact keep users involved and even attract more users however this is not enough. Browsers and readers both must be able to reach the content, therefore it needs to be optimized for both. It has to be Google friendly while still being easily readable.

There are many facts to prove how important SEO is for any website. Hubspot reports that 61% of the marketers pay more attention to SEO to increase their organic presence. In addition to this 40% of them agree that the most difficult task in SEO is to adapt to the changes in the search algorithms. So you must ensure to prioritize SEO while redesigning your website.

6.Add even more Optimization

Optimization is one of the most important factors when looking to redesign your website. Conversion rate optimization comprises of ways to increase the number of visitors who are actually willing to take an action. These visitors are not just mere visitors but actual customers who take action. Create your landing pages so a visitor can get in touch with you easily or make a purchase online or make any other move. As a matter of fact this is one of the website redesign tips that is surely going to help users reach your CTA in a very short span of time.

SEO optimization takes some time for Google to recognize it, however conversion optimization does not require a lot of time to give you the results which you are expecting. One must keep in mind that although it can bring results quickly but it still requires some testing to find out what really works.

7.Colors and Typography

The two basic elements in web design are Colors and Typography, so you must ensure to follow all the trends that follow these two basic elements. Gradient is one of the major web design trends currently. Gradient has gradually moved towards typography. If this looks too simple for you, consider to add a gradient highlight. If on the other hand you are not comfortable or too happy using the gradient trend, try adding image filled typography to your landing page. You will be amazed to see what huge difference it can make and give a modern feel to your website.

When it comes to choosing colors, there aren’t any particular web design tips that you should follow. However Ultra Violet is the color of the year. The best thing about this color is that you can use it muted, saturated as it is easily adaptable to any industry.