How to Export Adobe XD to After Effects

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:47:51

UX/UI design animation does not only involve the creation of visually appealing interactions or motion transitions between UI elements. It also involves animated background elements, illustrations, patterns and so forth. Adobe XD gives designers the ability to export the entire artboard to after effects by clicking a single button. After you export adobe XD to After Effects, all the artboard elements remain editable vector layers. What this means is that it is possible for your composition to be exported. You can export Adobe XD to after Effects following these steps.

How to Export Adobe XD to After Effects

You can export XD to after effects. This is a functionality that improves the transfer of assets between XD and after effects. The process involves native mapping of layers, text, vectors, artwork and artboards. As a designer, it is possible for you to send to after effects, groups of layers and then define advanced artboards or micro-interactions to design complex and more refined interactions and transitions. In case you do not have after effects installed in your system, the after effects option from the XD menu is grayed out. Here are steps on how to perform adobe XD export after effects.

  • In adobe XD, choose the artboard or layer you want to animate in after effects.
  • Choose file-export-after effects. After effects will launch if closed or moves to foreground if they are opened in the background.
  • In a new composition, you have the artboards and layers added to your after effects project as native texts, shapes, assets and nested composition.

One of the most critical things you should keep in mind is that adobe XD after effects integration is only supported by after effects CC 2018 and 2019 versions. In case your system has an older version, you find that adobe XD after effects export is disabled in XD. To enable this option, log in to the creative cloud application and then have the after effects updated to the latest version. Some of the features that are supported by after effects include:

  • Text layers
  • Vector shapes
  • Paths
  • Artboards
  • Bitmaps
  • Masks
  • Groups
  • Opacity
  • Symbols
  • Boolean operations
  • Strokes
  • Object blur
  • Fills
  • Repeat grids
  • Gradient as images

Working with Adobe XD and After Effects

Adobe XD is created to capture, import and also allow editing. On the other hand, after effects is created to create motion graphics, use visual effects, composite virtual elements, do color correction and many others. It is easy to exchange compositions, projects, tracks, sequences and layer between adobe XD and after effects. It is also possible for you to create text template compositions in after effects where you will be able to edit the source text in Adobe XD. You also have the option to copy and paste tracks and layers between adobe XD and after effects. In addition, you can also replace and render after effects compositions in Adobe XD to hasten compositions that take longer to render.

Would you interested in creating slider in Adobe XD? Click and learn more about How to Create Slider in Adobe XD.

The Best Adobe XD Alternative

The Best Adobe XD Alternative is Wondershare Mockitt. This is the top tool that UX/UI designers are using to create animation prototyping. With the tool, you can build or generate interactive prototypes and interactives prototypes and wireframes. It allows you do the designing work in a well organised environment and workspace. One of the reasons that many designers opt to use it is its efficiency that means you can create your design fast. If you are a beginner, there is no need to worry; Wondershare Mockitt is the easiest tool to use. It has easy to apply drag and drop features that ensure that you do not need to have coding skills to use it.

adobe xd to after effects

Once you are done with building the clickable prototype, it allows you to share it with your PC, laptop and other devices. The tool makes easy for collaboration with other team members. You just need to add your members directly to your project without the need to send them screen shots. It gives you the ability to design combo and object templates, build in widgets and more so with its drag and drop functionality. Therefore, you do not have to create complex codes during the process. This is one of the top reasons that the tool is perfect for beginners since they do not need to have a lot of programming skills to use it.

In case you would like to get feedback or comments regarding your animation prototype or have then edit, you just need generate a URL that you can view in a web browser. To test the prototype, it helps you generate QR codes that allow you to scan the code using your Android or iOS device camera. Besides, you can see all your app screens in a single place, thus allowing you view entire workflow and do edits. Other people you share the animation prototype can also edit, thus making work easier if you are designing as a team.

Steps on how to create animation prototyping:

Step 1: Create a project

  • Log in, click "new project"
  • Click settings to change name, size of the animation prototype and save
xd to after effects

Step 2: Create the prototype

  • Add widgets and icons-Add the fast widgets, build in widgets, my widgets into the platform by simple drag and drop. You can also add them by press key and draw. Edit them and save for use in future designing.
adobe xd after effects
  • Add links- add links between screens by selecting one widget and click new link in the link panel. Add links by dragging the link icon to the screen. Set gesture, icon and animations for the widgets.
adobe xd export after effects
  • Add notes to give further explanations regarding your animation prototype. Use the sticky feature found in the build in widget library to put the text.
adobe xd and after effects

Step 3: Create animation ettects

  • Create interactive animation prototyping- create the animation by use of the dynamic widgets. Make use of the screen state as you implement fully interactive animation prototyping with your screen.
adobe xd after effects integration

Step 4: Preview the animation effects

Preview your animation prototyping to check its look and feel. This ensures that it meets your ultimate goals.

adobe xd to after effects