A Good Choice to Build iOS APP with Flutter

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:47:06

The technology world is constantly evolving. As more and more businesses move towards mobile based applications, developers often need to worry about platform compatibility of their applications. This is not surprising because the technologies used to build Android and iOS apps is extremely different. If you also plan to build an equivalent web application, then the situation is even more complex. Flutter iOS is an open-source mobile SDK developers can use to build native-looking Android and iOS applications from the same code base. Flutter iOS has been around since 2015 when Google introduced it and remained in the beta stage before its official launch in December 2018. Since then, the buzz around Flutter has been growing stronger.

Can Flutter be used for iOS

Absolutely! Flutter is increasingly becoming popular to build flutter ios apps. Flutter uses the Dart programming language for developing both iOS and Android apps and also has great documentation available. Flutter is similar to React Native but with full support of native features. Further more Flutter supports development using Linux, macOS, ChromeOS, and Windows. Therefore, there are no limitations that an iOS app developer must absolutely own an Apple Macbook to develop ios apps. If flutter ios developers are looking to develop ios and android apps with the same flutter codebase, it is recommended to check if the packages used are available for both platforms.

flutter ios

Is Flutter Good for iOS

Flutter for iOS is increasingly becoming a popular choice among iOS developers. There are several benefits of using flutter for building iOS apps -

  • A productive option - On average, it takes about 3 months for 3 engineers to develop version 1 of an iOS app but with the use of flutter, it takes one engineer three months to develop the app for Android as well as iOS.
  • Cross Platform Performance - iOS apps developed with the use of the flutter render a native experience. The performance of the applications is great cross-platform.
  • Need to code only once - Apps developed using flutter use a single language (Dart) which does not require to maintain two files separately for iOS and Android and can be reused. As coding is done once for both the platforms, it would be easy to include only the features that you think are the most important and unique.
  • No need to test on Older versions - Due to the advanced technology of flutter, it eliminates the requirement of testing the application on older versions.
  • Dart language - Another reason that developers love Flutter is because of the Dart Language. Dart is an object-oriented, class defined, garbage-collected language using a C-style syntax that trans-compiles optionally into JavaScript.

How to Build iOS with Flutter

As a first step, you will need to install the Flutter SDK. In order to setup the iOS simulator first you have to install Xcode onto your computer, which can both be downloaded online or in the app store. After that you can configure the Xcode command-line tools to use the newly installed version. then open up the iOS simulator.

Creating an app in flutter is fairly straight forward, simply use the 'flutter create' command. Flutter will print "All done!" in the console once the process is completed.

You can then run the app with the 'flutter run' command. Flutter will generate a default application which allows you to click on a button while tracking the number of clicks. The main component of the application is defined by the main.dart file inside the lib folder.

Flutter's Hot Reload allows the developers to only send the incremental changes of the source code to the running Dart VM, rather than running the whole code after each change. This enables it to make changes almost instant, and that also retaining the state of the app.

Every component in Flutter is known as a Widget. The Flutter apps are created by combining these widgets (like building blocks) to form a widget tree. Even the final app we get is also a widget.

Would you interested in developing iOS Apps? Click and learn more about How to Develop iOS Apps on Windows.

The Best Tool for iOS Design

Indeed, flutter for iOS is a great choice of implementation. However, it is imperative that the app be designed and validated with great attention to detail to avoid rework. Therefore, it is essential to use the best tool for iOS design. Wondershare Mockitt is undoubtedly the right fit for your needs.

flutter build ios

Mockitt has an extremely intuitive and simple interface. The tool is easy to use and offers the capability to simply drag and drop the widgets, and a beginner can finish a flutter iOS design prototype rapidly in 10 minutes. It comes with a great collection of libraries full of built-in UI assets and templates. This tool comes with a large variety of easy-to-use iOS UI templates that will help you design effectively.

When it comes to choosing a cost-effective interface design tool for iOS apps, Mockitt should be your obvious choice. The pricing options offered by Mockitt are extremely reasonable and pocket friendly. You can get started at absolutely no cost for your first 3 projects. You can use the tool by simply firing up any popular browser. This eliminates all installation hassle.

Most designers work as part of a team and with team members becoming more geographically dispersed, a real time prototype builder where multiple designers can make changes simultaneously is imperative. By using Mockitt, team members can view and co-edit iOS design projects, communicate in real-time, and seamlessly engage in remote work. This avoids delays and eliminates the wait times for manual syncing. Multiple users can create versions and collaborate efficiently. Version information can be appended to find it faster. Designers can compare versions, track changes, and see the iterations flow naturally.

You can demo your flutter iOS designs online/offline and get instant feedback. Also, you can easily share with one click. Moreover, you can increase the speed of design-to-development workflow. You can easily import sketch files with the help of the Sketch plugin. Mockitt automatically provides specs and multi-platform codes as well which you can reuse directly during your flutter development.

Undoubtedly, flutter and Mockitt make a wonderful choice when it comes to designing breathtaking iOS apps.