Figma vs Photoshop: Top Differences

Laura Angelica updated on 2023-03-23 14:48:53

Photoshop is the industry that deals with design, photography, video editing, etc. It is changing the world through digital experiences. Photoshop helps to create, deliver, and optimize content and applications. On the other hand, Figma is a collaborative interface design tool. Figma is the first interface design tool that keeps a team on the same page. This will make them focus on working rather than fighting tools. Photoshop and Figma belong to “graphic Design” class off tech stack. When comparing Figma vs Photoshop, the latter has a broader approval.

Differences between Figma and Photoshop

Professionals use Photoshop has a wide array of fields, e.g., photography, graphic design, and digital art. Photoshop do image manipulation. It is commonly used in magazines. On the other hand, Figma works in the browser and has advocated a real-time collaboration.

Figma vs Photoshop: Plugins

Photoshop has a wide range of plugins that add new effects to enhance existing functions and simplify workflow. Figma has live previews for mobile. They show designs to your phone in real-time. Figma also gives simple integration.

Figma vs Photoshop: Pricing

Photoshop has many tutorials. They are both free and paid tutorials. You can check them online. Versions of Photoshop are expensive. Some can be leased as part of the Creative Cloud Photography bundle. They range from $9.99/month to $19.99/month. In the latest versions of Photoshop, you have to pay for a subscription. There are cheaper versions of Photoshop like Photoshop Elements that can be found as a stand-alone application for $100.

Figma has a free version. Though you can pay for subscriptions, you do not need to pay to use it. The free version also provides many features. It also allows for limited collaboration.

Pros of Photoshop and Figma

Photoshop has content-aware tools that can fill in a selected area. Photoshop is a fully featured image editing software available. It allows performing advanced image manipulation. Tools give necessary picture adjustments, lens correction, retouching, image stitching, HDR, video editing, working 3D objects and printing, and fixing framing. It also supports color modes and file formats. Photoshop also has filters, styles, effects, fonts, painting tools, Sketches, and typography. It understands vector graphics.

Photoshop allows you to save all projects to the cloud directly. You can access them using any device and with any Adobe software. There are also mobile apps available for iOS, Android, & Windows Phone. The apps are free.

Cons of Photoshop and Figma

Learning how to use Photoshop is not easy. It requires time. There are several functions that Photoshop has.

The software is not good enough to be that expensive. The only advantage it has over the other software is the adjustment layers. It is expensive for nothing.

In Photoshop software, you can only focus on one image at a time. Batch editing support exists but not acceptable to use.

It is hard to switch from Photoshop to Affinity Photo. It is also hard to note the quality of a profession's work.

Photoshop lacks capabilities for asset management. Management is done through a program called Bridge. A bridge is a file management tool for Photoshop's files and generating all Adobe apps.

Photoshop is very slow. It needs a lot of power from CPU and GPU and many GBs of RAM. It is still slow.

Figma has an inefficient workflow.

The Best Figma and Photoshop Alternative

Wondershare Mockitt is an online prototyping tool for product manager and UX designer. It is very user-friendly and you can simple drag and drop the widgets into the canvas. You don't need any learning efforts to use this tool. The enterprise version also has team management feature and you can collaborate easily.

figma vs photoshop
  • Fast prototyping- users can make a prototype easily by dragging and dropping the built-in widgets and you can finish the prototype easily.
  • Prototype on the cloud- all of the prototypes you made will be automatically saved on the cloud and you don't need to worry losing the project.
  • Collaboration- you can collaborate with team members easily. You can also manage the version history. Share, preview and handoff the prototype.