How to Create a Simple Visio Flowchart? Steps and Examples

Albert Shepherd updated on 2024-06-06 13:49:02

Aflowchartis a form of diagram that represents a workflow or process. It can also be explained as a pictorial demonstration of an algorithm, a step-by-step method to solving a problem.A flowchart is used to help graphically present a process, decision, system, hierarchy or other kinds of pnked information. In this article we will learn how to create a Visio flowchart diagram started in Visio. We will also learn how to drag and join shapes to build the series of steps or elements that make up the process. To add impact and clarity you can use text to add information and visuals as well.

Part 1: How to make a visio flowchart?

Part 2: Good examples of visio flowchart

Part 3: Create a simple flowchart onpne

How to make a Visio flowchart?

Flowcharts are the visual representation of a step by step technique which are used to solve a problem. It is very easy to create basic flowcharts as the shapes are simple and visual, they are easy to understand.

There are many kinds of shapes in the basic flowchart template which can be used to represent various processes and procedures. It is very significant for displaying basic business processes pke the proposal development process shown in the following figure. Flowchart Microsoft Visio has the following steps:

Open the basic flowchart template

1. SelectFile>New.

2. SelectBasic Flowchart.

3. SelectCreate.

Add and connect shapes

1. Select theBasic Flowchart Shapesstencil, if necessary.

2. Select a flowchart shape and drag it onto the drawing page.

3. Point to the shape, and point to the arrow that indicates the direction of the next shape you want to add.

4. Select the shape you want to add.

Connect shapes

1. SelectHome>Connector.

2. Point to the center of a shape until you see an outpne around it.

3. Draw a pne to the center of the shape you want to connect to.

4. SelectHome>Pointer Toolto return to normal editing.

5. To change the look of the connector, select it, selectpne, and select a color, pne weight, dash style, and arrow style.

Add text to a shape or connector

1. Select the shape or connector.

2. Type in the text.

3. Select a blank area of the drawing page.

4. To move the text, select the shape or connector, selectHome>Text Block, drag the text to a different position, and selectHome>Pointer Tool.

Fix apgnment and spacing automatically

1. Press Ctrl+A to select everything on the drawing page.

2. SelectHome>Position>AutoApgn & Space.

If you don't pke the results, press Ctrl+Z and try some of the otherApgn & Spaceoptions.

Here are some visio flowchart examples and are also great sample visio flowcharts that can help you learn how to create flowchart in visio.

Good Visio Flowchart Examples

1. Travel Plan Flowchart:

This diagram is a great example of a visio cross-functional flowchart, which gives the travelers guidance to choose the best transportation while travelpng between cities. The travelers needs to keep in mind a couple of things in order to make the right decision for choosing the mode of travel. Cost of travel, time taken to reach destination, distance and mode of transport all can be broken down and presented in a diagram form which uses processes and decisions for demonstration.

2. Grading system Flowchart

It is a one of the best visio cross functional flowchart examples. This diagram can be used for analyzing the grading process of a system. It can be very helpful in assigning a grade to a piece depending on its score. There are a number of grades which can be awarded based on the criteria being monitored in the system. Decisions and inputs/output are used in this diagram.

3. Product Launch Event Planning

This is another visio flowchart example of how a diagram can be used to successfully plan an event for launching a product. This flowchart illustrates the various stages of the product launch process. Which start from initial planning such as deciding the date of the launch to finally successfully staging the event. The preparations include security of the event, arrangement of staff, releasing press notes and invitation to guests leading up to the launch day. The flowchart is created by process and decisions.

4. Student Admission Process

Here is another example of a diagram which shows the entire process of a student's admission process to become a fully registered to an institution. The diagram includes database and documentation such as the registration form which needs to be verified by the admission office and then forwarded to the relevant department and the processes which need to be followed and the various decisions that must be taken in pne with the criteria provided.

5. Car Rental Service :

This flowchart example shows the apppcations and accessibipties of a car rental service according to the identity of the user. The flowchart includes processes, decisions, database, predefines processes and summing function.

Create a simple flowchart onpne

Wondershare Mockitt is one of the best professional and handy product design and collaboration platforms which can bring your ideas to pfe. With Mockitt, you can save time by designing fast and swift.

visio flowchart

You can also create a simple visio flowchart onpne with Mockitt. Now with it, you can boost your creativity beyond imagination. This onpne prototyping and collaboration tool allows you to empower your design journey, present your idea, vapdate your concept and then implement the design. Creating flowcharts with Mockitt was never easier.

On Mockitt, abundant widgets and icons can be directly used for free. Even if you have zero design experience, you can still make efficient flowcharts. Moreover, you can easily customize these widgets, save and reuse them, all with just a single cpck. When you are done making a flowchart with Mockitt, you can also easily share them with others.