A Complete Guide for Finding Jobs on Dribbble

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:51:21

Believe it or not, people are very much enthusiastic to pay for a good design. Because in all the spheres, the impact of an excellent design and interactive interface is way more than what a person can imagine.

As a designer, you need to get in touch with the right people or work on the right platform to put your talent to correct use and get paid for it. Dribbble jobs is one place where you can find many designing jobs of any length and type.

So all you have to do is make an account, post your designs, and start looking for jobs. But there is a difference between applying for a job and landing the eagle.

6 Tips For Getting Hired On Dribbble

1. A Rad Bio Which Impresses

Your profile bio is the first thing any recruiter will come across, and first impressions last longer than you think. So, take this as an opportunity to share your work expertise, experience, and approach without any hesitation.

Do not wait for the recruiter to move on to your samples and think that, "My work will talk for me." No, it won't go that far, if you have an ordinary bio.

Clearly state out why you are here, and what do you want to pursue with the clients. It will save you and the recruiter a lot of time if your profile is clean, straight, creative, and specific.

Use tags to increase your chances at dribbble hiring.

2. Be Social, Show Social

Times have changed now. We are slowly cruising towards Social Media 2.0 as a lot of people are no longer interested in harnessing the power of social media to communicate.

Today we are running marketplaces and businesses on social media channels. Similarly, you need to, if you have not already, tune-up your social media profiles and share all your work on those profiles.

dribbble jobs

Plus, don't forget to insert them on your profile page to increase your chances of getting dribbble jobs.

By adding these profiles, you are directing the recruiters towards the direction you want them to go. Plus, you have got to make it easy for them to check everything about you.

3. Portfolio! Sort it Strategically

Everyone has the experience and something to show for it, a portfolio is one of those things. It is not about showcasing your work, but the kind of work you show also matters.

Successfully finding dribbble jobs that interest you depend on the recruiter's requirements and your ability to deliver that sort of work.

dribbble hiring

For instance, if you want to get jobs on dribbble as an illustrator, your portfolio shows samples of the illustrations you have made in the past in the starting slots.

Further, as you move down, you can add more work to show your diversity, but always start with projects you want to work on.

4. Don't leave the Recruiters Guessing

Here, take care of a couple of things. First, write your full name in the bio section. If the manager responsible for dribbble hiring wants to look at your other profiles, they should be able to find you easily on the web.

dribbble jobs

Second, update information regarding your work preferences and pay rates. Clearly state the work style (part-time, contract, freelance, or full-time). Lastly, on the dribbble jobs page, also toggle your availability.

5. Keep on Networking and Adding more Followers

There are a lot of benefits of networking when it comes to dribbble hiring. A major reason for this is the dribbble's predisposition as a pseudo-closed loop platform. Since the membership here comes with an invitation, it further cements the importance of growing your network.

When you talk to people, get to know them, keep in touch, new doors present themselves and you may get a chance to knock on them first. Familiarize yourself with dribbble meetups and be a part of it to grow.

6. Apply for Jobs Regularly

Dribbble now has a Freelance Design Project page dedicated to helping you bid for and get freelance dribbble jobs. This is the place where you have the freedom to select the work you want to do and show your expertise.

dribbble hiring

Software to help you find Dribbble jobs

Dribbble hiring is easier said than done. Remember, patience is a virtue and you need to stay motivated.

Scoring dribbble jobs based on your portfolio and expertise is thrilling, but there is one more aspect that you need to cover and that is the software you use to build designs.

Sometimes, your clients may have preferences which tool they want you to use to create their designs. While others will only get the desired design, irrespective of how you build.

What if we told you that now you can create any type of website, application, TV, tablet, and smartwatch design with a single tool. Yes, Wondershare Mockitt is a complete designer-oriented and efficient solution at your disposal.

dribbble jobs

dribbble hiring

Mockitt is fast, intuitive, and simple to understand as everything you need to create your favorite designs is possible with one tool. Mockitt lets you create bespoke designs with platform-specificity with advanced UI kits and custom libraries.

dribbble jobs

There is a large assortment of tools and features embedded in the online and offline software to work seamlessly and create lifelike designs with the ultimate accuracy and without writing any sort of code.

The best part about Mockitt is that it can deliver results for all levels of designers, from beginners to pros. It is embedded with collaborative and enterprise features meant for teams of designers to work with collective intelligence and create workable and appealing designs.

As a beginner, you can start with the basic free plan, which is free and lets you create good-looking designs within a short time. Functions like transitions, gestures, animation, testing, preview, code handoff, etc. allow creating seamless designs fully customized to your needs.