Everything about Flutter App Development

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:47:04

If you are an application or web developer, chances are that you have heard about Flutter app development as the next wave in app development. Flutter app development enables you to quickly ship features with a focus on native end-user experiences. Google, GROUPON, eBay, and Alibaba Group have chosen Flutter to make robust apps in a short time. Flutter is the third most loved frameworks after .Net Core and Torch as per a recent survey. It is therefore no doubt that more and more developers are now attempting to learn Flutter app development.

What is Flutter App Development

Flutter app development is Google's UI toolkit to develop cross-platform apps using a single codebase. Developers can build seamlessly performing native apps for iOS, Android, and web platforms with the help of Flutter. Google's Flutter platform keeps a single codebase for developing various apps. What makes Flutter different from other frameworks is the fact that it does not use JavaScript. The layered architecture allows for full customization, which results in incredibly fast rendering and expressive and flexible designs. Flutter app development is the second most leading programming language in 2020 followed by React Native to develop customized cross-platform mobile apps. Flutter is an open-source platform developed and backed by Google.

flutter app development

The core idea of the Flutter app development is based on widgets. Developers can make elegant and expressive interfaces by combining different widgets in line with the desired business model. The framework has rich widgets for structural elements, stylistic elements, and the like. Flutter app developers can also create custom widgets and remain assured of the native performance of the application.

Is Flutter Good for App Development

If you are designing native apps for various platforms, Flutter should be your ideal choice of technology. Below are the main advantages of Flutter app development -

1. Speed of App development - Excellent and innovative features including Hot Reload and a single codebase for Android and iOS platforms can enable developers to build a feature-rich Flutter app in a short time. In-built features of Flutter can be readily integrated with both Android and iOS to give a native-like performance to the app while saving valuable time for developers.

2. Single, unified codebase - Be it an Android app or iOS app, Flutter app development facilitates developers to build a robust enterprise-grade app using a single code base. It saves the developer's time on code management because developers need not write separate code for both the platforms.

3. Expressive Interfaces - An appealing and user-friendly UI (User Interface) can attract a lot of people toward an app. Flutter, with separate widgets for Material Design and Cupertino as well as rich motion APIs and simple natural scrolling, assist developers to come up with expressive interfaces with a completely customizable widget. Developers can also re-use code if necessary, in the future.

4. Faster Debugging - Testing and debugging of an app is faster with the Hot Reload feature.

5. Easy Learning Curve - Whether developers have skills in Swift or Java, they can easily learn Flutter and build apps from scratch.

6. Community Support - This is one of the biggest benefits of Flutter. A thriving community of active developers can help developers resolve their issues quickly thereby saving their time and efforts.

How Much Does a Flutter Developer Make

App development is certainly here to stay. However, the market of native apps is low these days. If you are planning to pick a job in native android development program then you have to deal with highly competitive market. This is also the main reason that many app developers are shifting from Native app development to cross platform app development. It is no surprise that React Native and Flutter are trending these days. Both of these are cross platform technologies. This means that you can simultaneously build android and iPhone app.

Some Flutter app developer freelancers are making roughly $200 per app. However, these are low effort intensive apps. Each app requires about 48 hours of efforts at max depending on your skills and app complexity. Making small apps like these upto about 10 screens does not require too much effort.

On an average, Flutter app developers with full time jobs in hand are quoted as being able to earn even 85K+ US dollars per year. Of course, this depends on your experience, skill level and geographical location.

Would you interested in Flutter and dart? Click and learn more about the Flutter and Dart: What is Dart in Flutter.

The Best Tool for App Design

It is no doubt that a cross platform coding technology is ideal for app development. However, irrespective of the technology chosen to implement the app, it is extremely important to design the app with utmost detail. The best tool for designing apps, wireframes and prototypes is Wondershare Mockitt.

flutter app development company

Mockitt boasts of an extremely flat learning curve. Beginners can work like experts with the vast icon and component libraries. The tool comes in built with 20+ industry-specific templates, and easy drag-and-drop function to add, arrange, and connect components in your design. All major device platforms are available at the click of your mouse.

If there is one point that makes Mockitt the ideal choice for designers and developers, it has to be handoffs. Mockitt comes with automatic style code capability. This makes handoffs to developers a pleasure by generating code for CSS, Swift, and Android automatically. Moreover, designers and developers can log in directly through the browser to use and also view the project progress in real-time. Therefore, there is no need to install heavy software. Mockitt eliminates manually transferring files by joining collaborations or sending links where others can view, edit, and comment on the projects in real-time. This makes is a great solution for remote teams that require information synchronization and instant communication.

flutter mobile app development

As designers are demoing the prototype to developers and other stakeholders, they can Download the PNG, APK, and HTML demo package with one click, and work on the project smoothly in offline mode.

All of this makes Mockitt a high quality and feature rich design tool for mobile, web and desktop apps. So, as you are venturing into flutter app development keep Mockitt handy for your app design needs. Happy Fluttering!