Top 10 Inspiring Website Footer Design

Albert Shepherd updated on 2024-06-06 13:48:21

When talking about website footer design, there is nothing more inspirational to have in mind. The Wondershare Mockitt has some innovative features to give you the most up-to-date results in your website's footer design.

Footers have been neglected in the previous decade when people focused on the content of their site. However, modern marketing has proved that footers and headers have the power to attract significant traffic to your website.

We are about to check how Mockitt can assist you in creating a catchy footer prototype. Please pay attention to the easy way of making them. Then you should have the opportunity to check the ten most inspirational sites having footers that satisfy most of their thousands of daily visitors.

How to Create a Website Footer Design?

Nothing is easier than creating the best footer design for website, using the Wondershare Mockitt. First, you need to log in to the online site of Mockitt. In this way there is no requirement for actual memory space, which is another advantage of using the online Mockitt website creating design.

You just need to have a valid email address or phone number, then you can create sign up. Remember that the basic features of Mockitt are free for individuals and small businesses(detailed pricing plan you can check here). The application only asks you for a fee when you create a site for a big organization or something more complicated than usual.

 website footer design

The following step would be to enroll your friends and partners. That is a crucial step for the website footer design inspiration since they will see the previews and give you their honest opinion. You can send a share link on Mockitt to your team members or friends to ask their opinion.

Getting back to the Mockitt main page, you need to select the screen you are going to work on. Many people use the Mockitt from their smartphones, and you are free to work on this device to build your header and footer. However, the final footer design is going to get formatted for any screen, either smartphone or desktop.

The final procedure for the footer design in Mockitt includes the transcript creation and the selection of patterns, images, and colors. You can select anything from your computer or any online library only by clicking the insert button on the Mockitt main screen.

Click the preview button to have a thorough look at your webpage footer. Check for any feedback from your peers and finalize the website footer design ideas you may have. The footer design remains an easy task for beginners and experts using the Mockitt.

10 Inspirational Websites for Footer Creation

Here are ten of the most inspirational websites we found online, regarding their footer designs:

That site is a Swedish one showing the supremacy of the architecture design they offer. The footer has some additional information about them and gives the most recent construction work they have performed. In terms of website footer design templates, the site uses the ever-changing ones to keep its visitors engaged till the last moment. has to be competitive and give precise information about them, even at their website's footer stage. Not to mention that the footer follows the visitor to any internal page they may navigate.


There is nothing better than an online design and digital agency like Envoy, to have its footer ready for the public. The main website has a single black color background that gives customers the chance to admire the company's seriousness and responsibility. Envoy insisted on designing a footer that gives access to social media accounts, emails, and phone numbers so that visitors feel directly connected to the company. The footer is also realistic in prices and doesn't overload customers with useless information.

The Canadian-based online agency decided to have the footer design unanimous to its main site screen. For that reason, they have neutral colors there and the main buttons for social media accounts. also tried to present some of its works to the visitors, including those introduced to the footer. It is evident that a footer is a different communication approach and moves towards simpler forms of dealing with customers. The emails and addresses are always there for people to know that they are dealing with a reputable company.

Everyone knows about the French denim creator Sezane. But their site is so successful they decided to create an e-shop. Here is why the footer is so successful. It shows previous best seller creations that have changed the world opinion towards the Sezane Denim. The footer always contains international phone numbers and emails for people to get in touch with them. Rich and colorful animations are still there in the footer to become more seductive to customers and prepare them for more significant sales.

It is an epitome of simplicity and beauty, and that is why Sezane Denim gains points from their competitors by merely checking on the footer of their site. is among the number one music playing and downloading sites in the world. When they decided to create their new website, they gave more importance to the footer. That is why they chose to place a catchy message there, showing that ambitious people are always coming to buy their services. That message has been the footer's trademark and keeps on being one of the most successful website footer designs ever presented to the public. The final black line is always there to give footer and website a unanimous appearance.

Footer design is also useful to magazine sites. Since people are fond of paying a small fee to read their magazines online though their tablets, gave extra significance to the footer creation. People can have vital information about their beloved magazine and have some contact numbers and emails. For that reason, the footer has a lovely warm color that changes according to the visitor's geolocation. Furthermore, the footer design is the simplest one you can have. There are some social media buttons to press and become their follower. The footer's meaning is to have the last chance to connect with the magazine and become their loyal member.

One of the most influential design studios in the world, has made the decision to create a top of the art website. The footer is nothing less than you would have expected from them. First, it shows the logo that is unique among the other competitor sites. The color selection comes from the complementary colors wheel and gives a thorough impression to the visitors. The footer shares information about the prices, the addresses, emails, and social media accounts that people want to have in order to engage more with the design company.

If you are looking for international garments and accessories seller that overcame all difficulties to get established, you look at the They had to make their presence observable to millions of customers worldwide, so they needed a footer for their site to differ from anything else the audience has interacted with previously. Their footer is simple as always and has some wonderful colors, following the main site's patterns. It also gives the visitors an option to subscribe to their newsletter, which is unique among the internet. Social media account buttons are placed with attention for people to check and interact. represents a highly specialized design team, sending specimens to all people who love art. They have a worldwide presence and took the strategic decision to get their footer created for their most competitive audience. When people log in to their site, the footer becomes a major part of their experience. It follows them to all pages they want to navigate, giving precious information about the company and their offers. There are also social media buttons for visitors to engage in, and the various colors are more vivid than anything else you have seen before.

Finally, website footer is the most extravagant you have ever seen online. The site is known for the evaluations it performs to multiple online services. It gives offers and discounts to people that want to engage with it. The footer only has a clear message for them, tempting visitors to find their inner self and then commit to the social media where is present. The footer colors are the same as the rest of the site, and the contact information is always present. There is no script or animation, but this doesn't reduce the footer's value for the visitors.