Are Web Builders Worth Considering?

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:44:58

With the growing need for online business, web builders are getting more popular than ever. Everyone, whether a businessperson or a freelancer, find it necessary to create an online website. If you are one of those people who are creating a website for the very first time, then this article is for you. First timers usually face trouble deciding between online web builder and website developer. However, making this decision is not an easy one. Why? Because you have multiple options like content management systems, DIY web creators and web developers. Moreover, CMS web builders are not good for all kind of websites.

For all those reasons that are mentioned above, we have decided to do an analysis on 'Are website creators worth using or not?' Hopefully, when you finish reading this article, you'll be able to make a better decision about it. First, we'll discuss what is web building software and how it is different from website prototyping.

What is Web Building Software?

Web creator is an online tool which is popular because of its simplicity and ease of action. You don't need to master coding skills just to create a website, thanks to web builders. There are two types of platforms; one is about ad-ons for specific packages, whereas, the other one contains separate platforms. Small scale websites are created using these tools.

So the question is how one can create websites on such platforms? Simply by using the available templates and the feature of drag and drop. You can drag & drop different elements until you reach satisfaction levels. Built-in hosting options are also available in some web building apps.

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Source: unsplash

Now, people who are new to these things may think that web designing is similar with website building. However, it's not and the reasons are quite understandable. Web building is about working on the actual website for personal brand or business. On the other hand, web designing is all about creating a prototype of the actual website when it will go live. For the best web prototyping software, it is highly recommended to use Wondershare Mockitt. As a website designer, I personally use this website to keep the stakeholders in loop in real time.

Some of you may ask why am I recommending Wondershare Mockitt…because of it's amazing nd exciting features. It is better to list the benefits rather than just saying how amazing it is:

  • This web prototyping tool is compatible with not only Windows, but also with Mac OS and mobile.
  • It has rich built-in libraries with thousands of templates and customized themes.
  • Wondershare Mockitt offers the feature of drag & drop which provides ease of use. It is noteworthy that many web prototyping software uses this same feature. However, the options are pretty limited when it comes to their free version. On the contrary, Wondershare Mockitt offers tons of features from which you can drag the ones that you like.
  • You can also buy its premium package to get access to unlimited exciting features.

In addition to all these amazing features, what makes Wondershare Mockitt unique is its ability to provide multiple salient features in its free plan. What it means is that you can not only get access to the libraries but also avail compatibility, themes, and ease of use.

web creator

You may now have a clear idea of web designing vs web building so let's discuss the worth of website builders.

Pros of Using Web Creator

We've already said that web building apps are good for specific type of websites. In this section , we'll discuss it in detail. Website owners who want to make websites without consuming much time, they must try these website builders. These software provides simple, elegant and functional websites in no time. However, these are not the only attractive features. Below, we'll discuss the most popular reasons of using website creators.

1: No Technical Skills

One of the great aspects of such tools is that they help you create website with no technical skills. People of all age and academic background can use these web builders without worrying about their skill set. Most of these sites offer drag and drop feature which is user-friendly and easy to work with. You are able to change the text, font, and colour scheme along with uploading images. The most exciting part is that you can do all these things with just the click. Professionally designed templates will also help you create a professional website without having any prior tech knowledge.

best web builder

Source: unsplash

2: Good for Limited Budget

If you are starting a business and don't wanna spend too much money on web building, using website creator will be a good idea. Most of these web builders offer free packages which also comes with product selling options and SSL security. For better experience, you can also buy premium packages.... which are quite inexpensive considering the cost of hiring web developers.

web building

Source: unsplash

Cons of Using Web Builders

Like any other tool, there are some disadvantages of using website builders too. These include:

1: Difficulty in Scaling

The one major challenge that you face while using online website builders is the difficulty to scale. It is easier to make simple websites with these tools. However, for massive content creation you need to hire a web developer.

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Source: unsplash

2: Limited Control Over Website

Even the best web builders offer limited control. Using these sites is like renting space online which doesn't make it your own. Ignoring terms and conditions would result in shutting down of your website. Moreover, migration of your website would be difficult and technical too.


After careful comparison, it is understood why people are choosing website builders for simplicity and quick action. However, it is not suitable for those who are looking for a massive content website. For large scale websites, it is better to hire a web developer and create a professional website.