5 Things to Consider Before You Start WordPress Website Development

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:51:08

In the world today more people are starting to use the internet with each passing year. This inspired business owners and individuals to start a website to get more online presence and reach more customers. It became possible for businesses to sell their product directly to customers through their websites. One of the best platforms you can use to make your website is WordPress. It is a very popular and reputed CMS and over 33% of websites worldwide are made with WordPress. WordPress Website Development is a very valuable skill and there are many components to it. If you want to develop the perfect website to attract more people to it then you would need to work strategically. 

1. Domain Name and a Web Hosting Provider

You would need to select a domain name for your WordPress website. A domain name is a digital address that people would use to visit your website. The domain name should be meaningful and easy to pronounce. 

Once you have selected a domain name the next step would be to select a web hosting provider. It would cost you very little and you can get a discounted price if you buy for a longer duration of time. It is a very good investment that you should make to get added features to customize your website. 

wordpress website development

Source: WordPress

With WordPress, you can get a free subdomain and hosting. The whole website would be built without spending any money. The problem with that is first you won’t get any custom domain name and there would be unwanted ads at the footer of the website. You won’t also get the option to use plugins to further enhance your website. 

2. WordPress Plugin Optimizations

For the next step of WordPress web development, you would need to install WordPress in your web hosting account. Some web hosting providers by default keep WordPress installed. There would also be some default plugins that would be installed along with WordPress. 

Plugins make WordPress very easy to use and one of the best CMS available today. Select the best plugins that would help in WordPress maintenance. If you face any problem you can easily contact WordPress customer service to get help. They are usually very quick to respond and are also very helpful. After setting up the plugins to boost the performance of your website you are ready to go to the next step. 

3. Unique WordPress Web Design

The web design in WordPress can be a very simple process and can also be a very complicated one. WordPress is a CMS and with the help of some plugins, you can use the drag and drop features to make a website. But, the problem is your competitors would be doing the same thing and it doesn’t make your website anything special. 

The design of your website is a very important aspect of the overall WordPress website development process. If the design is unique and appealing you would get more traffic for your website which is the primary purpose of making a website.

You can hire a WordPress designer to get this part done. It can be expensive to hire a designer given the requirements of your website. You can do it on your own too and the best way to do it is by using a UI/UX prototyping tool.

4. User Experience of Your Website

Wondershare Mockitt is one of the best UI/UX prototyping tools that are available online. It is very efficient for designers and also for beginners. It is designed in a way to increase the productivity and efficiency of the designer. The interface is very carefully designed and all the necessary tools are present in very visible places. 

You can hire a group of website designers and make them collaborate on a project using Mockitt. It would be a good choice to use Mockitt for your WordPress Website Development. You can use it to determine the user experience also and check how the mobile responsiveness for the website is. 

You can choose different elements in Mockitt and decide how the user can interact with the element. You can choose which screen a user would end up in after interacting with an element. This helps you determine what experience a user would get when visiting your website. 

The web developers also get a proper understanding of what they need to do when they see a live demo of the fully interactive website design. It is very easy to share the finished design with the website developer so he can do his part. It is also possible to export the design in HTML 5 format so the developer can work on it. You can also export it in PNG format to get the opinion of people on the design of the website. 

wordpress development company

5. Implementation of the Design on Your Website

You can take the WordPress development services of an individual for this step or if you have the budget you can hire a WordPress Development Company to get the job done for you. 

The final step is to place the content and graphics of the website in the respective place of the website matching the final design of the website made using Mockitt. 

You can also try to do it yourself but it would need a bit of a learning curve if the design is complex. Making sure that all the interactive features actually work is also a part of the WordPress Website Development process.


If you have not yet made a website it is high time that you start thinking of building a website. WordPress website development does involve some steps which can seem daunting but if you are determined you can get the job done. You can also hire someone to help you with some parts of the project. It is necessary for the growth of your online business to invest some time and money into developing a website.