The Ultimate 5-step Guide to Create a Basic Website

Laura Angelica updated on 2024-06-06 13:45:51

Designing a website is not an easy task, but it isn't a difficult one, either. All you need to know is that you can't get up one day and start designing a basic website. Website designing requires planning. You can create a basic website by following some basic steps. Think of it this way. You are supposed to take a bus to work today. What will you do? You will wake up, get ready, have breakfast, and then go to the bus station. Then you will buy a ticket and get on the bus. These are the steps that you need to take to get to work. What if you miss one of the mentioned steps (like skipping breakfast)? You will get to work unsatisfied and unhappy.

Similarly, if you don't follow the steps needed to build a basic website, you will end up with a website that is not up to the mark. So, you need to follow a set of steps to create basic website designs. 

Basic website

Source: Burst.shopify

All you need to do is to follow the following steps:

1. Plan

Have you ever thrown a party without planning? No, right? That's because planning makes sure that you go over every possible scenario and then decide accordingly. Even an easy website design can become difficult if you don't plan before designing a basic web page.  

  • First of all, decide what type of website you want to design exactly, for example, a basic HTML web page or blog website or an e-store. 
  • Secondly, determine the purpose of your basic website. Write down the things you expect to obtain from this website, e.g., showcase your work on a simple portfolio website, generate business for your store, publish your articles on a blog website, etc.
  • Thirdly, devise a strategy and start working. It's better if you jot down all of this on a piece of paper so that you don't miss anything later on.
basic website designs

Source: Burst.shopify

All you need to do is to follow the following steps:

2. Prototype (on Mockitt)

Once you have done the planning, you need to prototype your basic website. Don't get fooled. You can't start to build a basic website right after planning. You need to create a demo of your website on prototyping software like Wondershare Mockitt. The prototype will be the first look of your website. You might be wondering why prototyping is so important? The answer is simple. Prototyping makes sure that your website is the best version of itself.

easy website design

First, let's get to know more about Mockitt.

Mockitt is the online prototyping software that will make the phrase "website made simple" come true. You can find a huge variety of templates that you can alter as per your requirements. Mockitt also offers a drag and drop option that makes the process of designing a basic web page as easy as it can get.

Mockitt is also famous for its collaborative approach. You can create teams so that collaboration on projects becomes easy. These days most of the people are working from home. In such a scenario, the collaboration option will surely come in handy. You can share your progress with your teammates and make changes in your basic website designs as per your teammates' recommendations.

All in all, prototyping has never been this easy as it is on Mockitt. You should also prototype your simple HTML web page to eliminate any design errors and get an idea about how the basic website will look finally.

website made simple

Source: Burst.shopify

3. Choose a platform

The next step in "website made simple" is to choose a platform. A platform is a space where you will design your website, such as a simple portfolio website. There are many developing platforms where you can create a basic website. 

You need to do thorough research on what options you have, but first, you need to define your needs. For this, you don't have to do much. All you need to do is fetch the notebook or open the document you planned your website on. You have already written your needs. Just match your requirements with the options you have and then decide accordingly.

Some market leaders in helping you build a basic website are Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, etc. Once you have chosen a platform, you are ready to create an easy website design.

4. Design

The most anticipated part is here. Now you have to design your basic website. 

  • While designing, you have to keep your plan in mind. If you deviate from your plan, you are in for a mess. It would be the same as ditching your plan at the last minute for something impromptu that came into your mind. Stick to the plan.
  • Secondly, another important thing that you must keep in your mind while creating basic website designs is your competitors. Visit your competitors' websites to get an idea of your competition so that your website design can stand out.
  • Keep your website design as simple as possible. No one likes cluttered websites. In anticipation of designing, some people add way too many widgets and options which doesn't look good.
build a basic website

Source: Burst.shopify

5. Analyze

Lastly, after publishing, analyze your basic website. Many people don't realize the importance of this step. You need to critically analyze your website and view it from the eye of a visitor. In this way, you can spot any issues and problems and then fix them. You can also test run your website like the beta reading of a book. In this way, you let your friends & families give their unbiased opinion about your website.


Now that you have gone through the 5-step guide to design a basic website, you can say that website made easy, right? Just remember that website designing is as simple as making an apple pie. Easy if you know the steps and extremely complicated if you don't know the steps.

Some people think that website designing is limited to only designing, which isn't the case. You need to follow all the five steps, and then you are good to go. So, start creating right away.