5 Important Factors About Shopify Store Themes

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:51:22

All of us who are working online must be familiar with Shopify. This eCommerce platform has revolutionized the way of online shopping like never before. Everyone is joining Shopify to set up their online store to reach a wider audience online for their business. Selling products online has never been this easy and smart like it is today with Shopify. We can't ignore the role of Shopify store themes when it comes to setting up a shop on Shopify. Themes play their role to give your store a magnificent look.

Choosing a theme from the Shopify theme store must be done according to the requirements. Besides the following requirements, you must know the factors about Shopify store themes when picking one for your Shopify store. The availability of themes for Shopify stores is amazing but choosing the right one might be challenging. We'll go through all things we need to consider when we choose a theme from all the best Shopify themes.

shopify store themes

Source: Shopify

Things To Consider When Choosing Shopify Store Themes

There are many themes available on Shopify, all store owners prefer to pick the best one. In order to choose the right theme, we've got some factors for choosing themes for Shopify stores.

1- First Look

"The first impression is the last impression" It all starts with the first impression. As the user come across your store, your store theme look is the first thing that will attract customer's attention. So whenever go for picking themes for Shopify stores, choose the one that delivers that eye-catching look.

shopify theme store

Source: Shopify

2- Navigation

Always prefer the easy and smart navigation when looking for a theme in the theme store. The navigation bar and other things must be places at the standard locations of your store. More easy and comfortable navigation on your store, more it will help you in SEO and attracting more customers.

3- Features

Looking for the best Shopify themes for your online stores? It all depends on the features of the theme is offering. From products to theme settings, everything matters when it comes to features of themes for Shopify stores. Catalog size, products showcasing, and all these things play their role to make your store successful on Shopify. By the way, you can also go for a Shopify development store account to test themes and their features.

themes for shopify stores

Source: Shopify

Shopify development store is the best way to test Shopify store themes or apps. You can create this Shopify development store for free to test and check all the features of themes for a client or for your own store.

4- Check Out Reviews & Competition

User reviews tell everything so make sure to check all the support and reviews of any theme you are going to pick for your Shopify store. Go through all the feedback and reviews about a particular theme before you pick one from the Shopify theme store.

By going through competitors, we mean that you have to find what's running in the market. Analyze your top competitor themes, their product listing, and other things. Analyzing competitor store themes and features will help you in picking the right theme for your Shopify store.

5- Price Factor

The fact thing about themes for Shopify stores is that paid ones come with more advanced features and controls. It is recommended to always go for paid themes because you get to use lots of functions that may enhance your store's functionality in the best possible way. In case you can't afford it, go with a free theme and then pick a paid theme as you start generating sales.

Hopefully considering these factors would help you out in picking the best theme from the Shopify theme store. Another piece of advice we'd like to suggest you follow any UX prototype tool and make a store prototype so you can edit the theme following that design. As many of you must be new to UX prototype, we'd like to recommend you Wondershare Mockitt.

Wondershare Mockitt

The reason why we've suggested Mockitt for making a design prototype for the Shopify store is the ease of use. This is one of the easiest and smart UX prototyping tools getting used by both beginners and professionals on a daily basis. There are many best Shopify themes, no matter which one you pick but have a pre-built prototype would help you a lot. Making a store mockup using Wondershare Mockitt will help you in customizing your Shopify store theme following that prototype. You can design almost every screen of your store using this brilliant wireframing tool.

The feature of Mockitt known as ‘Handoff' is worth discussing. This feature allows users to generate code like CSS and others for developers to work on. You can edit your Shopify store theme using that CSS code generated from Wondershare Mockitt. Moreover, you can also export your store prototype design with others as well just by generating a simple link or QR code. Not only Shopify store, but you can also create a prototype design for almost every platform like websites, TV, mobile apps either Android or iOS.

best shopify themes


After going through the core factors of choosing Shopify store themes, we have realized the importance of them. We had a look at some main things we need to look for when choosing a Shopify theme for our store. We also came to know that you can create a free Shopify store account to test themes and apps as well. We also discussed how beneficial it is to have a pre-built store prototype design. We can use Adobe XD, Figma, or any other UX tool but we've reviewed Mockitt because it's feasible to use for beginners as well. Going through all these things would help you in picking the right Shopify store theme and to run a successful Shopify store online.