Wix Editor X: Review of the New Wix Site Builder

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:50:51

If you have been using Wix Site, you might have known that in February 2020, Wix launched its new responsive site-building platform under the name of an Wix Editor X.

Wix Editor X is meant to be created for the agencies and the designers. It enhances layout and design capabilities which allows you to create complicated designs without using any code.

It is still in beta version and made available to everyone for use. It used the same drag and drop functionality which we have been operating within wixsite before but with some radical improvements. With Wix Editor X, you will have an opportunity to make more sophisticated and fully responsive web designs.

So, if you are introduced to a website building platform before and want to build a website with comprehensive design features from scratch, Wix Editor X might be suitable for you. Keep in mind that you can not use regular Wix website editor and Wix Editor X simultaneously to build your website – you need to pick one.

wix site

Source: Wix

Key Features of Wix Editor X

What else this Wix Editor X has to offer apart from the ease of use with no requirement of coding skills. Let's take a look.

  • It offers an advanced 2D layout system which is based on the CSS grid.
  • Elements will be anchored to a specific position in accordance with the changing viewport with the help of Docking (resize handles).
  • For responsive behaviour of your website, stack and scale media will steer the wheel.
  • You can scale the font size by drag and drop.
  • To style for specific devices, jump between desktop to tablet and mobile.
  • Create custom breakpoint by opening a breakpoint panel and add a new one as per your requirements. Your unique breakpoint will be visible on the top bar.
  • With the inspector panel, you can see and control the behaviour and size position of each element. You can choose if you want to size the elements in pixels per cent, width and viewport height.
  • Use the fixed and fluid image to resize your image proportionally and as with the viewport
 wix editor

Source: Wix

It depends upon if you want to give your site Wix conventional Editor touch or Wix Editor X.

With Wix Editor X as per your tailored requirements, either you can start to create your website from scratch or opt to go with any of the templates which it offers. Using templates can be a better option for you, but you might stop your creative juices from flowing.

If you do not consider yourself a pro in designing a Wix site from scratch, you should use Wondershare Mockitt software to build a design prototype before making an actual website on Wix Editor X.

Mockitt, which is a design prototyping and collaboration tool, allow you to create a stunning design prototype in few easy steps.

It doesn't matter if you are a Pro or a Novice designer, its uncluttered interface would give you a user-friendly feel, and you would end up making various versions of your design.

Mockitt gives you an option to create a prototype for your website and its mobile version as well. There are many built-in templates to use for – you can also create custom screen size as per your requirements.


Once you finalize the design in Mockitt, you may proceed to the editor of your choice and can create a website by consulting with your Mockitt designed prototype.

If you are not familiar with Wix Editor X and also posses some design ideas to show to your Wix site developer, Mockitt will have you covered.

Even if you use ready Wix Editor X templates to build a site, you must know what kind of design you would want to be there on a website. Do not forget to preview the templates design across desktop, mobile phones and tablets to get a feel of what visitors would be able to see on their respective devices.

Although you are not required to be professional in coding while using Wix Editor X, it would give you an added benefit if you have been introduced to programming at any point of your life. You can switch to web developer mode with the help of Wix Corvid if you want to create custom code and use other programming related tools.

Pros and Cons of Using Wix Editor X


  • It is highly customizable, but it depends upon you how you put your design thoughts across your website.
  • You can have a fully responsive web design which would help you for a better SEO.
  • You can use various useful plugins from the app market to extend the overall functionality of your website.
  • Before you go live you can preview your designs within all device sizes.
  • You will have the availability of SEO tools—for instance, meta tags optimization.
  • Your site will give a professional look to the visitors.
  • You can add blog functionality to your website
  • You can add analytics to your website
  • You can restore your previous version of your website
wix website editor

Source: Wix


  • Since it is still in beta version, you might experience some issues
  • You can not monetize your site using Google Adsense
  • Not many templates are available to choose from
  • It is designed for advance users so if you have not used any primary website building platform before; you better learn from the basic – Because you might get intimidated.
  • Select between regular Wix Editor or Wix Editor X before you decide to build a website; you can use any one of the editors to create a website and not both.
wix site internet

Source: Wix

Final Thoughts

If you want to create a Wix site internet would throw you with a plethora of knowledge to select from. While these two-website building platforms (Wix site Editor, Wix Editor X) are different, they are the products of Wix.

They both have few features in common, which make them unique, but then there are some drastic changes in the new Wix Editor X which completely changes the scenarios of website building.

So, if you need a small and a fully responsive website, Wix Editor X could be your choice as it wouldn't cost you much. It all depends upon how much features you want on your website. Wix Editor X is still in its beta version, and we are not sure what updates they would bring in in future.