What is The Easiest Way to Build Website Online?

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:50:46

The importance of having your own website is common knowledge by now. Though people realize the importance of making a website they still procrastinate to build website online thinking that it is an arduous and impossible task for people who are not from a technical background. It is not true now in 2020.

Making a website has become much simpler and so easy that you can do it for free even without the need to know any coding. The only thing that you would need to have is patience and willingness to learn about the process so you can do proper execution.

Step 1: Know Your Initial Budget

It is very important to know how much you are willing to spend on your website. When you build website online you have to be prepared and to do that you would need to know how much you are willing to spend on your website. It is now possible to build free website online even because of various free website maker online. If you decide to make no investment at all initially that is also an option. You would however get many limited features in their free plans. If you are willing to invest a small amount you can get custom domains and remove any kind of ads from your website. You can also get a better speed and security of data for your website.

Step 2: Choose a Platform

You can choose a platform on which you would build your website after deciding upon a budget. If you want to make free website online then some of your best options are Wix, Weebly, WordPress, and many more. If you have some budget to spend you can buy a domain hosting from web hosting providers like Bluehost, Hostgator, Siteground, and others. You can hire a developer to build your site or you can use WordPress which comes for free with most Webhosting providers to build website online.

If you want to develop website online for free then you have to do all the graphics and content that are required to make the website whole. You can hire someone to do those things for you too or use tools to do most of the hard work for you for free

Step 3: Make Content For Your Website

You would need graphics and written texts that you need to place on your web pages. You would also need a logo if you want to brand your website. If you don't want to spend much money on them you can make your own logo for free using many free logo builders online. I would recommend using Canva. It is very easy to use and you can download the logo in the most popular formats. You can also build other graphics for your website using Canva. You can use free stock photo websites like Pexels, Pixabay to get images for your website. If you are willing to spend money you can use Shutterstock or hire a photographer to take pictures for your website.

For the written texts that would inform people about you and your business through your website, you can hire a content writer or you can choose to do it yourself to save money. You can generate privacy policies and terms and conditions texts using free tools online.

Step 4: Create a Simple Design for Your Website

When you have got all the content for your website ready you can start designing your website. It is best if the website is simple which makes it more user-friendly and allows the user to navigate the website better. 

You can use tools like Mockitt, Figma, Sketch, and others to make the design. I would suggest using Wondershare Mockitt because it is very efficient. You would instantly understand how to use it even if you are not a technical person. It has a six-step guide that would introduce the basics of the platform to you. There are many features to talk about in Mockitt but the one that stands out for me is the experience you get when you want to collaborate with other designers. Mockitt made it very easy to share the design with other people and also for them to work on the design with you. 

With Mockitt multiple people can work on the design of a website and share their input on particular sections easily. The moderator can see the comments and update the design. You can allow other users with different levels of access and restrict their actions if you want. 

It has a trial offer if you don't want to invest money initially which allows you to develop your website for free. The price of Mockitt is also very reasonable and if you need to make website UI/UX designs it is a very good option to go for. 

build website online

Step 5: Put All Things Together in The Place

After you have made the UI/UX design you can move to the final step to build website online. If you have a budget you can hire a website developer to do this part and if you don't want to spend money on it you just have to choose a free website builder in the beginning. It is very easy to build the website in free website builders using drag and drop functions. You just need to place the content and the graphics in the right place according to the design. It is also important to check the mobile responsiveness of your website. Once you place everything your website would be ready.


If you are an individual service provider or you are running a business then you need to build website online. There are so many benefits of building a website. You can reach a wider audience when you have a website and collect leads through your website to target your service or your products to them later. It also helps you build a relationship with your users as they would be able to know much more about you and your business by visiting your website.