Role of a Web Developer in Website Development

Peter Martinez updated on 2024-06-06 13:50:57

A Web developer has amazingly built every piece of Software or a Website we use each day. Without these professionals, technology itself can not facilitate us.

But the question is how deeply these website developers get involved in the development process and how many hats a one site developer can wear?

Note: As per U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, it is projected that the website development related vacancies will be increased to 15 % through 2026.

To shed some light and answer the above questions, we have briefly discussed a website developer's role in the web development process.

Before going further into the details, let's take a look at website development as a process.

Web Development

It is the process of building, maintaining applications and websites for the internet and an Intranet. It does not include the designing part as that process is called website designing, which is a different but related process.

Web development is all about programming and powering the website.

Website developers

The professionals who perform such tasks (web development) is known as a Web developer.

They use multiple coding languages to build websites and other web-related applications, such as HTML, JavaScript, Python, and CSS.

Website designers create the design, and then they handover that plan to the front-end developers to use their coding skills for website creation.

Website designers can use software like Mockitt to make a design prototype. And, they can show that prototype to the developers for their input.

There are three layers to website development and hence three developer categories.

Client-Side – Front end development

  • A person who deals with this type of development is known as a Front-End developer

Server Side – Back end development

  • A person who deals with this type of development is known as a Back-End developer

Full-Stack Developer

  • A person who deals with both of the web development tasks is known as a Full Stack Developer

Database Technology

  • It helps websites to keep running efficiently and smoothly

Now, we shall explore all of the above terms in detail.

Client-Side – Front end development

As the name suggests, it includes everything that the user gets to experience directly, from colors, buttons, text, navigation menus, and images. The code here will be executed in a web browser whenever a user would visit a website.

The person who codes for this client-side is a front-end developer and uses languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make it happen. A freelance web developer can become the front-end developer and work closely with the design team.

These are those kinds of developers who work alongside the website designers. Designers would use their creativity and make a design prototype with the appropriate software. Wondershare Mockitt is one the best tool which a designer could use to make a prototype. Mockitt would allow a designer to share the prototype with the front-end developer and other stakeholders.

In this way, a designer can get approval from everyone and give the go-ahead to the developer for the required coding.

web developer

Few website designers learn to code and become the front-end developer. It gives them an added benefit because companies may want to hire those front-end developers who can code and design a website.

Server Side – Back end development

Everything that the user cannot see comes under the server-side umbrella; whatever is happening behind the scenes is related to back-end development. This part is responsible for storing and organizing data. It is linked to the front end in a way that ensures that the client-side works smoothly.

Whenever you perform some action through your web browser, such as filling out a form or making a purchase, your browser (Front-end side) sends a request to the server-side. In return, the server-side will make the information available in the form of that code known to the front-end.

The back-end script communicates with the front-end to show the information on the user's browser. A back-end developer is responsible for building that technology that is needed to make the front-end work.

The back-end developers ensure that everything that front-end developer builds must work. The technology that works altogether on the back-end side is comprised of the below-mentioned elements.

  • Server
  • Application
  • Database

A back-end developer uses server-side language such as Python, PHP, Java, and Ruby to build the application. They would then use Oracle, MySQL, and SQL server tools to locate, save, or edit data. And, then that data will be delivered back to the user in the form of front-end code.

Full-Stack Developer

A person who can work across the full stack of the technology is known as a Full-stack developer; Front-end and back-end. They are experts in the process of website development. But it takes a lot of experience to be the one.

They are expert in all of the languages which front and back end developer uses.

Database Technology

Websites rely on databases as well. The database contains all the content and files which are essential for a website to function. There is a particular way in which the data gets stored in a database. That specific way ensures that it must be easy to organize, retrieve, save, and edit the information within the database.

The database runs on a server. In short, Database technology along with the front-end and back-end work together to make sure that a website is fully functional.

Databases use languages like SQL, which assists programmers to work with the data within the database system.

WordPress web developer is not required to deal with all of these languages as WordPress is a content management system. It allows you to create a website without using any programming language. However, if you are capable of coding, you can always edit your WordPress website.

There are many freelancing platforms where a web developer can work as a freelancer and generate a hefty amount.

It is recommended for a front-end developer to learn website designing and spark some creativity within themselves. It would help them to write better code.

Learn prototype designing with Mockitt, and add one more skill to your advantage.

By this point, you must have understood all the roles which a website developer can perform. Now, it depends upon a particular developer to decide on a suitable position for them.